Chapter: 3
Page#: 49
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Eating may only temporarily satisfy the hunger of food, due to the accumulation of every food particle. However, the hunger of desires (Vishayo ki Trushna) is such that it can never be fulfilled at all. Fulfilling one desire (vishayo) to get Sukh is like using fuel (ghee) to put off the fire. This creates an illusionary state of mind providing a false sense of pleasure called Sukhabhaas. Nature of desires is such that with the advent of a second desire, the so called Sukh from first desire is completely lost. Also these desires never precipitate cumulatively. Thereby rendering the individual a false sense of Sukhabhaas , which in turn makes him/her run behind these desires like a person running in a desert in search of water (Mirage). These desires, passion are created due to Moha (which in turn is created due to ignorance, Mitthaytva ).
Hence the saying goes “ Bhog bure Bhav, Rog Badhave; Vairi hai Jagji ke”
Thus the illusion of fulfilling the desires, only leads to more and more misery. Since the true happiness (certainly not Sukhabhaas) can never be derived from a false state of illusion.
This true infinite happiness (AnantSukh), blissful state of existence enjoyed by the Arhant/Siddh Bhagwan is described in the following table, in accordance with Pravachansaar.
S.No | Mundane Soul ( Sansari Jeev ) | Arhant/Siddh Bhagwan |
1 | Sukh obtained from 5 senses & mind that is not from the eternal soul | Sukh obtained from Neej Atma that is totally natural from the eternal soul |
2 | Dependent Sukh ( Paradheen) | Independent Sukh (Swaadheen Sukh) |
3 | Sukh entangled with obstacles ( Baadhasahit ) | Eternal blisss without any obstacles ( Avyabaadh) |
4 | Time dependent temporary or finite Sukh that will eventually end. (Vinaashit) | Independent of time or any external factors, Permanent and infinite Sukh that will never end (Avinaashik) |
5 | Produces Karma Bandh | Liberated Soul produces no Karma Bandh |
6 | Lot of variations ( Vishaam) | Constant Uttam Sukh without any variations |
As shown in the above chart, all the actions or efforts of a mundane soul ( Sansari Jeev) are driving the life’s journey in the wrong direction, eventually leading to unfortunate destination of Dukh, Dukh, and Dukh.
Hence, the true happiness lies in eliminating all the desires and ultimately becoming desireless and having all pervading knowledge, becoming omniscient. Please note that only complete elimination of Moha and Mitthyatva can lead to desireless state and becoming omniscient with all the pervading knowledge means procuring KEVALGNAAN. Further, this can only occur if we procure SAMYAKDARSHAN. This is the only true remedy for all SansarDukh
In this manner, Kshyaoppsham of Gyaanavarniya or Darshanavarniya Karma leads to misery (Dukh), if it is with Moha or Mitthyatva., mainly because desire or Ichha are produced from Moha and Mitthyatva.
We also discussed how this chapter is explained - in treating a disease state of a patient, a doctor would adopt the following protocol
(1) Diagnose the disease
(2) Explain the disease state, causal factors, and the consequences of the disease
(3) Then, doctors make patients believe what he/she was trying to do to get rid of the disease was wrong and the opposite treatment plan is necessary.
(4) Once the right treatment plan is discussed, the doctor cultivates the interest of the patient towards compliance of the correct beneficial treatment plan.
Our Dev, Guru and Shastra are adopting a similar plan of action in treating patients likes us who have been submerged in the continuous sufferings of this Sansar. They are clearly differentiating the true picture of SansarDukh and MokshaSukh to the mundane soul in this chapter three of MokshMargPrakash book. The remedy of MokshSukh is provided (to the mundane soul suffering this SansarDukh from the infinite birth and death cycles) in the form of a similar four steps :
(1) Realization of the SansarDukh due to the fruition of Karma (KARMA UDAY)
(2) Mundane soul searching for a remedy or a solution to get rid of the Dukh due to KarmaUday.
(3) Realization that his/her remedy or the solution to absolve from all these sufferings is a false treatment plan, that really is not working for the self-benefit.
(4) Understanding the true remedy and living a life with these values to finally remove all the SansarDukh and reach the MokshSukh.
Compassionate and Enlightened Guru is bestowing upon us this True Path ( MARG ) to solidify our faith (Shraddha) in these values. This way Guru is establishing the correct direction for the journey of our soul. Sooner or later, if the direction is correct, then the disciple (currently a mundane soul ) will certainly reach the correct destination of Moksha. However, if the direction of soul’s journey is incorrect then, no matter how fast the speed of the travel may be, that mundane soul will unfortunately never reach the desired destination of Moksha. The Compassionate JinVaani thus provides correct direction to the mundane soul to reach the eternal blissful state of Moksha by solidifying the Shraddhan in these values.
Posted by: Atul Gandhi (
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