Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wrong perception in Aashrav tatva

Class Date: 03/23/2009
Chapter: 4
Page#: 82
Paragraph #: last
Recorded version:

Mithyatvabhav and kashaybhav are results of the uday of mohniya karma.
Belief in atatva and inability to believe in tatva are the symptoms of mithyadarshan.
Mithyadarshan is self sustaining.
Determination (nirnay) is critical for attaining samyak darshan
Due to the kshyopsham of antrai karma, family, money, etc. behaves per one’s wish, but it may change during paap uday.
Mithyadrasti identifies itself with body
However, jiva does east/aanist bhavs in these situations.

The jiva believes them to be its characteristic; and not that they occur due to the karmas.
Jiva believes that darshan gyan upyog and aashrav bhav are one, because jiva sees them all happening at the same time.
This is due to its inability to differentiate one from the other in the mithyatva state.
It is easy for a jiva to understand that body and aatma are two different things, but it is hard for it to understand that vibhavs and aatma are two different things.

Mithyatvabhav and kashaybhav are with disturbances. That is why, they are painful and they result in karma bandh.
Thus, jiva doesn’t believe that they may cause sufferings in the future.
Jiva tries to attribute theses sufferings to others, instead of looking towards its own karma.
Jiva is suffering due to its wrong beliefs but tries to attribute its sufferings to the objects that do not obey him.
For example, if a jiva is suffering due to anger, it tries to attribute that suffering to the person/thing due to which he is angry.

The jiva cannot contemplate the results due to these mithyatvabhavs.
The karmas may lead one to narak or swarg due to intense or mild results of mithyatva; and is more or less disturbed. Thus, jiva does not regard mithyatvabhav as bad.

The grahit mithyatva goes before the aagrahit mithyatva.
A samyakdrasti will not believe that kashays are upaday, while a mithyatvi believes that kashays are upaday. Samyakdrasti’s opinion has changed with respect to mithyatva state but it is still not in implementation.

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