Friday, April 25, 2008

Class notes 04/25/08

Asatya Pad Rachna Pratished (Negation of writing false words)

Question- How do we have Pratiti that there are only right words in this book which are not intermingled with false words?

Answer- Composing false words is not possible without intense passion, because by this false composition many Jiv’s may be harmed and the one who does this sinful act will go to Narak and Nogod.
Such a sinful act is only due to intense Krodh, Maan, Maya and Lobh, and Jains are not having such passions.

The primary teacher is Tirthankar-Kevali who has destroyed Moha Karma completely and is Passionless.
The next originators of the Shastras are the Gandharas and Acharyas who have very little Moha Karma (attachment) and therefore have given up external and internal possessions and therefore are extremely dispassionate (mand kashay ) These have only Shubhoupyoga and no other agenda.

Also right faith Shravakas (householders) composes these Shastras and they too are not highly passioned (tirv kashay).
If these sharavakas had tirv kashay then how come they would be interested in Jainism which teaches to destroy passions?
If someone due to Mithyatva nourishes his passions, and thus breaks Jina’s preaching’s then he looses his Jain identity.

Thus in Jainism such intense Passioned people are not found who with false writing do harm to self and others in this life and future lives.

Question – If some “so called” Jain due to intense passions, puts false words in Jain Shastras and his tradition continues, what to do in such cases?

Answer – Once can recognize a false pearl from real pearls due to the shine.
An ignorant person will be fooled although this tradition cannot be continued as soon someone will say that these are false.

Similarly in Jainism which teaches
1) To decrease passions and
2) To decrease worldly affairs

One can easily spot someone who is teaching otherwise and therefore a foolish person may be fooled although the tradition cannot continue.

Secondly such “so called “Jains with Tirv Kashay are found only in this bad time.
In good times and good places such people are not found.

Thus in Jain Shastras false words tradition cannot continue.

Question – One may not mix false words out of passions although one may mix due to Kshayopsham Gyaan, then his tradition may continue?

Answer – The basic scripture composers are the Ghandhara Devas who possesses four kinds of knowledge and they listen to the divya-dhwani directly and therefore how can they compose false words?

And the Acharyas who also compose the Shastras have appropriate right knowledge compose based on above traditions. Of aspects they do not possess knowledge, they do not write.

Therefore false words are not found in Jain shastras unless by minute misunderstandings. For this there is no escape.

It should be known that right faithed Jains do not have misconceptions about Deva-Guru-Dharma etc. and Jiv – Ajiva, tattvas etc.

If someone makes a small mistake in interpretation hen no harm is done.

Respectfully submitted,

Uday Mehta.


Vikas said...

'If someone makes a small mistake in interpretation hen no harm is done.'

What kind of small mistake in interpretation is no/less harm?

Is there any kind of mistake in interpretatin that can do bad for a person?

Shrish Jain said...

Excellently summarized!

I think it would be good to have better titles of the post.

Something like -

"Chapter No, Topic (Subtopic- Optional)"

Example: "Chap 1, Aagam Prampara"

Date can be put in the contents of the blog itself.

This will be help later, where this blog will contain too many posts, and one would want to go to a specific blog.

Vikas said...

This is good idea to title the posts with chapter, page #, topic so one can find it easily. We'll talk about this after class.

Kunal said...

Indeed. summarized very well.

Sanjay Shah said...

On Tuesday, we first did revision of Chapter 1 where we left on
1. The point was why we should workshop Aarihant. Not for worldly /
sensual thing.
Then we started second chapter with 1st Dohha.
In that we discussed about Why Jiv is feeling sorrow. The reason was Karm Bandh. Then author Pundit Totalmal gave example of Patient who has disease. First Doctor(Vaidth) explains why Patient has disease, then Doctor how he can recover for the disease and give him medicine/ advise. It is up to Patient to take medicine or follow advice. Same way, it is up to us to follow Aarihant's Marg / teaching. As doctor's job finishes after giving patient advice / medicine, and Patient's duty start. Our job starts after we learnt the Jivvani.
There are two types Bhav (Pariyam) – Namatik and Aaupathik (ऒपाधिक / नैमित्तिक भाव). Namatik Bhav happens with “Par Dhavya’s ke Nimit Se”, Aaupathik Bhav happens because of Karm’s Uday.
There are 4 नैमित्तिक भाव
1. Kshaik
2. Kshaompasmik
3. Upsamik
4. Aaudrik

The 4th one Aaudrik is because of Karma na Uday, Hence it is ऒपाधिक.