Review:Yoga is always going on thus karmic bondage is always going on.3 Types of Yoga: 1) Shub, 2) Ushub, and 3) Mishra (mixed)Yoga is the cause of Type and PradeshasKashayas is the cause of Intensity and Duration
New:Type and Pradeshas do not hold as much strength as intensity and duration
Yoga is one way for ashrov to occur, bondage only occurs when there is duration of the particles - Arhants can have ashrov, but with zero duration so there is not bondage.
Dukh - unhappiness is due to our worldly attachments so we should want to move away from this and this is due to Mithatva and Kashayas which are the causes of bondage which only occur through Mohanaya karma and not part of the other 7 karmas.
Raag and Dwesh are states of charitra.
Mithatva must be eliminate prior to elimination of kashayas.
Pudgal parmanu are just non-living objects so how do they know what type of fruitation (type, intensity, duration, pradeshas) to give? Ex. The food that we consume is also non-living object, but it also knows they type of nutrients, the intesity of nutrition, how long it will last in the body, and how many calories it provides the body.
The purpose of learning this is not just to know and understand it, but to apply it in our lives so that we make efforts towards reducing our karmic influx and bondage.
- By Sonal Bobra
1 comment:
Nice Summary.
One correction: "Ex. The food that we consume is also non-living object, but it also knows they type of nutrients ... "
Non-living food also doesn't know anything. But it has nature to get converted into other things like vitamin/calories etc. Similarly this would apply to Karm. They don't know anything as they are non-living objects. But Jeev and Karman particles निमित्त - नैमित्तिक relationship is such that it gets converted to Karma.
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